About Dr. Andrew Dick, Superintendent
In July of 2021, Dr. Andrew Dick joined Scottsbluff Public Schools (SBPS) as Superintendent. A native of Scottsbluff, and a 1998 graduate of Scottsbluff High School, Dr. Dick considers his work in serving the community and school district to be an incredible honor and privilege.
Prior to returning to SBPS, he served for two years as Administrator of Educational Service Unit #13 (ESU 13) in Scottsbluff, and 13 years as a building level administrator in SBPS. Nine of his 13 years in administration with SBPS were spent at Bluffs Middle School while his last four years were at Scottsbluff High School. Dr. Dick began his education career as a middle school business teacher in Lincoln Public Schools and then taught math and business for two years at Scottsbluff High School.
In his time with ESU 13, Dr. Dick provided leadership culminating with the opening of Panhandle Beginnings Day Treatment, an intensive therapeutic pilot program serving schools in the ESU 13 service area. The COVID-19 global pandemic shined a spotlight on ESUs across Nebraska, and in his role as Administrator, Dr. Dick not only led the 180 employees of ESU 13 but also guided and coordinated supports to aid western Nebraska schools in navigating the pandemic.
During his tenure with Scottsbluff Public Schools, Dr. Dick provided leadership through two successful bond referendums, a 30% growth in student enrollment at Bluffs Middle School, and a comprehensive change to the academic programming at Scottsbluff High School. In his various leadership roles, Dr. Dick has focused on equitable opportunities, maintaining high expectations, and working together to ensure the delivery of rigorous and engaging education for all students.
Dr. Dick earned his undergraduate degree in Business Administration, Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction, and doctoral degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Dr. Dick is an active member of the community; he currently serves on the board of directors for the Scottsbluff Family YMCA and is a member of the Scottsbluff/Gering Rotary Club.
Follow Dr. Dick on Twitter @andrewdick09.