Medications in School

Medication Procedures

It is recognized that for effective treatment of chronic and/or acute illnesses, medication might need to be administrated during school hours. A student who is required to take medication during the regular school day must comply with medication administration policy. The policy has been developed for the safety of the student receiving the medication and for the safety of all students.

Medication will be administrated by the school nurse, a registered Medication Aide, or other school staff member meeting the minimum competency standards for the Medication Aide Act. To avoid disruption of education, the most beneficial time to administrate medication at school is during lunch. The prescription label should indicate this. The student has a responsibility to remember to report to office at medication administration time. Some medications may not need to be given during school hours. In order for school personnel to administer prescription medication to a student, it is necessary to have a health care provider’s authorization and written order and a parent/guardian’s authorization. Medication must be brought to school in the original labeled prescription bottle by parent/guardian with proper label including child’s name, health care provider’s name, drug name, and instructions for use (time, dosage, duration). The authorization must be renewed on an annual basis and/or if the prescription changes. Loose capsules, tablets, unidentified or non-labeled medication will not be accepted for administration. Medication will not be administrated without the above authorization and information.

SBPS will not be held liable in case of choking, allergic reaction, side effects, and/or any health risks related to medication. If medication is not brought to school by an adult, SBPS will not be responsible for lost or stolen medication. Medications must be picked up by an adult on the last day of school or they will be disposed of.

A record of the medication administration is kept on each student receiving medication. Medication will be kept in a secured area. Students may carry and self –administrate inhalers, epi-pens, emergency seizure medication, and insulin if appropriate paperwork has been completed.

Health Offices are stocked with first aide medication (such as Aquaphor, saline eye drops, insect sting swabs, topical cooling gel, oral pain relief gel , anti-itch cream etc.) If your student can not have such products, then contact school health staff. This protocol is in effect for the school day and After School Program. Emergency and daily medications are sent on field trips.